Tamil Sangam - online Radio

Radio Information

Welcome to Tamil Sangam Portugal, a community dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich heritage and culture of Tamils in Portugal. Established in [2015], Tamil Sangam Portugal serves as a bridge for Tamil-speaking people, creating a platform for cultural exchange, community support, and education. Our mission is to foster unity and a sense of belonging among Tamils living in Portugal by organizing various cultural, educational, and social events. Through our efforts, we aim to promote Tamil language, literature, arts, and traditions, while also supporting the well-being of our community members. At Tamil Sangam Portugal, we celebrate key Tamil festivals, conduct language and cultural workshops, and provide a space for Tamils to connect, share, and grow. Whether you're looking to learn Tamil, explore our vibrant traditions, or connect with fellow community members, Tamil Sangam Portugal welcomes you.


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